Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Cyber Security in the Area of Business-Free-Samples for Students
Question: Discuss about the Cyber Secruity in the area of Business. Answer: Introduction: The report is based on the challenges of cyber security in business. In the modern era, the entire official work is depending on the computer. All the files and documents of the company or business are keeping in the files of the computer as an electronic form and it is important to keep them safe for their important nature. The modern technologies have able us to manage various works in a systematic manner. However, it has certain negative impacts too. One of the major problems regarding the computer based information system is hacking or phishing. Therefore, it becomes necessary to maintain a strong cyber security to secure the computer-based information protected. The information that are kept in the numerous folders are related with the future of a business and confidential in nature. All the business transactions, important contacts, agreements, accounting process and other necessary documents are secured in the files of computer. Hackers are targeting these files and trying to steal those documents, which is a potential threat for the future of the respective business (Wang Lu,2013). Thus, cyber security is necessary in this behalf. Hacking is a process through which the information that is remaining safe in the computer in certain encrypted format is transferring in another system without the knowledge of the respective business authority. It is a kind of stealing. In the language of computer, cyber security does not the net protection, but the physical protection too. The problem becomes a serious concern for many states as they are growing in nature. There are many steps are taken for that and many laws are encoded to deal with the potential threat (Collins, 2016). Project object: The cyber related problem is of serious in nature and therefore, it is important to take the matter seriously. It is important to know about the different aspects of the cyber problems, their effects, consequences, importance of the cyber security and challenges that have to be faced by the certain authorities in this regard. This project is discussing on each of these topics and set out an objectives regarding the purpose. Therefore, the main object of this project is to point out the challenges regarding the problem and to set out certain rules so that these problems can be set aside. Cyber security are that portion of the cyber law that are helpful to generate a systematic way regarding the encrypted version of the information and a protection regarding the same so that the information can be secured in a proper way (Webb Dayal, 2017). This project also discussed about different elements of the cyber security that includes securities relating to application, information, network and operational securities. Cyber security is an approach to the cyber threats and pointed out certain safeguard measures regarding the same. In the words of the CTO of Layer 7 Technologies, Adam Vincent, the most challenging feature of the cyber security is that the threats are much advanced than the security system. The idea of the hackers is faster than the protector and that creates a detrimental effect on the cyber security system. An attempt to point out the various dimension of the cyber security has been made through this project and certain measures have also chalk out for that purpose (Ibrahim, Hamlyn-Harris Grundy, 2016). Project scope: Therefore, it is a fact that the cyber hackers are become a threat to the cyber system and there are numerous cases working as an evidence to prove the fact. In the year 2014, cyber hacking becomes emergency in nature to the states like United States and Australia. The government has taken certain measures regarding the matter. However, the cyber security is facing some challenges and this report is describing the possible challenges. Therefore, the scope of the report is vehement in nature (Feakin, Nevill Hawkins, 2017). Literature review: Introduction: The subject matter of this report is to set out the challenges regarding the cyber security issue. It is important to give a brief history on the cyber security program and its effect to curb the phenomenon before stating the challenges it faces regarding the application. Cyber security is an effort to secure the encrypted documents and it has certain elements that are as follows: Application security; Network security; Information security; Business planning; and Operational security. Cyber security is an international problem and many countries are facing this problem. The serious nature of the matter makes the problem a potential threat (Gupta, Agrawal, Yamaguchi, 2016). Challenges: There are certain challenges faced by the cyber security regarding the issuance of the same. One of the most important risks are the advance mentality of the hacker regarding the subject. It has been a threat to the cyber security management as if the pattern of the hackers is unknown to the management, it will not possible to secure the system (Brewster, 2015). In Australia, an institution is set up to deal with the matter named as Australian Computer Society (Vogel, 2016). One of the officials of that society, Adam Vincent confessed the matter and revealed his worry regarding the advance ideas of the hackers. A failure regarding the same affected the whole system badly. Certain proactive approaches are taken in this behalf by another institution namely National Institute of Standards and Technology. The government is investing money to make the system strong and as per the report of the Forbes, the global markets regarding the cyber security program has reached an investment criter ion of $75 billion (Stojmenovic Wen, 2014). In spite of this, the system has faced certain challenges that are creating obstacles to reach the aim of the system and if the challenges are not curbed, the effect will be detrimental (Brewster, 2015). The major challenges regarding the same can be categorised as follows: Lack of research program; Barriers to the local security providers; and Shortage of experienced workers in this arena. The problem regarding the cyber security is international in nature and it is important to work on the topic in a most realistic way. As per the report of various sources, it has been come to the light that the mentality of the hackers is advanced in nature and the pattern of hacking is ever changing. Therefore, it is obvious to state that research regarding the problem is important issue. However, in Australia, there is a laxity regarding the same is observed. Research development program is important for every single matter that has certain detrimental effects. The research program is price worthy and if there is no sufficient investment can be done, that will be fatal in nature. The outcome of the research program resulted into laxity in the strategic approaches (Mikolic-Torreira et al., 2017). There is a yawning gap between the research management of the universities and businesses that is also work as a weak point in the cyber management of Australia. The communication problem r egarding the issue has created a serious problem in Australian society. It is a fact that except the large firms, there is a little scope for the programmer to do research on the topics of cyber hacking. This has created certain limitations to the small businesses and become the soft target for the hackers. Sometimes, the programmers are failed to work as per the expectation of the company and lack of research is the main problem behind this. Introduction of advanced technologies, involvement of cyber experts and installation of advanced soft ware need a huge amount of money (Anwar Mahmood, 2014). The second challenge is regarding the involvement of the local market authorities in the cyber system. It has been observed that there is a gap maintained by the corporate sector of Australia. The programmers of the large corporate sectors are getting many facilities for the research and the owner makes a large amount of investment. However, in case of the, proper investment is not possible and the local programmers have to face problems regarding the same. Certain other problems excluded the investment process (Hu, Vasilakos, 2016). There is a misunderstanding between the customers and the programmers occurred that lead the company towards an incredibility and bad reputation in the market. In Australia, there is a complex procurement process is in force. The main disadvantage of the process is that it restricts the smaller firms to come into the contact of the large-scale customers. Certain strategies should adopt by the government to avoid the problems and the procurement process should be relaxed as soon as possible (Singer Friedman, 2014). High talent is important to deal with the advance process of cyber hacking and the programmer should be well skilled in this respect (Appendix 2). However, Australia is facing certain difficulties regarding the issue. According to a report, Australia is lacking cyber talent and the position of the country regarding the issue is threatening. The system of the cyber security is lagging behind regarding this and the business of Australia has to face hurdle for that. There is a shortage of skill regarding the matter and due to this; a pay hike over the same is taking place in the business market (Shaw, 2016). As per the report of Forbes, in Australia, there is a need of at least 11,000 skilled programmers within 2020. The reason behind the laxity of skills is the internal dispute in the educational system of Australia. A gap is also taken place in between the theoretical and practical life and the new comers are deprived from the research management due to the lack of investment (Shafqat Masood, 2016). There is a need to involve experts in the education system who are experienced in this sector (Appendix 1). The universities should make a syllabus that will be treated as skill worthy. That will help the country to make certain well-trained cyber graduates who can be hopeful for the management and can deliver necessary strategies to curb the cyber hacking policies. Except the educational system, the attitude of the employers is also a reason behind it. In many cases, it has been observed that the employers are demanding certain criteria that are not possible to meet by programmers and the technical position of the country become weaker regarding this. In Australia, there are laxity regarding the proper training observed (Rajakaruna, Shahnia Ghosh, 2016). In the words of Andrzej Kawalec, an official of HPE security services, in the modern era, there is a lean on the adoption of the technologies are observed and a united approach as against the cyber risk is necessary. The united approach includes the team management program and that requires the trust on the partners. As per the notion of Marshall Heliman, a cyber researcher, the potential risk regarding the cyber security is the reluctances of the companies regarding the issue of cyber threats. The companies should concentrate on the authentication system and a strategic approach is needed in that case. It is to be understood what the main targeting area of the hackers are (Brookes, 2015). According to the view of Chris Leach, the methodologies of the hackers are changing time to time and it is becoming a threat to the programmers to act properly in this behalf. The attacks on the business transactions are nefarious in nature and the way of the hacking styles are becoming proactive in this case. A proactive defence strategy should be adopted in this case and there should be enhancement regarding the critical database is required. The government as well as the private companies with high obligation should trace out the root of the problems and the weak points are to be resolved as soon as possible (Jokar, Arianpoo Leung, 2016). Australia is a business-oriented country and cyber transaction is essential part of it. A lot of money is transferring on online basis and the financial sector of the country is vehemently engaged with this encrypted system. These technological infrastructures should be protected with priorities and must be underpinned in every single portion where the data are collected. Cyber security does not happen with the system of computer only. In the modern area, the shadow of the hackers is imprinted on the sphere of mobile phone also. The hackers are adopted the cloud technologies and generate attacks in the mobile transactions (Appendix 3) (Jokar, Arianpoo Leung, 2016). Password management is also a serious threat for the cyber security program. Passwords are the security key that prevent the outsider to enter into the personal data of a person. In the computer system, passwords are the encrypted version of the security system. It is the common pattern for the hackers to break this security keys to grab the confidential and necessary data from the account of a person. Threats are generated by the botnet also. Botnet stands for the remotely controlled hackers who tried to hack the computers through remote. The advantage regarding the botnet is that it can hack the web cam, Wi-Fi router and even a modem. They are injecting malware in the system of others and targeting the poor security designs to steal the data. Therefore, the technology regarding the Botnet should be prevented and the necessary steps are to be taken in this regard. The hackers are developing the standards of the botnet day today and there is a strong step taken for the purpose (Schoitsch, 2016). Conclusion: Therefore, from the above named paragraphs, it can conclude that the cyber hacking is generated as a potential threat to the business sector of Australia and the index of the threat is growing in nature. Cyber security is important to protect the important documents to facilitate the process of business and to secure the transaction properly. The business process in the country like Australia is highly based on the computer program. The business related transactions, data, contacts, contracts are vehemently depend on the computer service and the threat from the hackers are become epidemic in nature. There are certain measures taken by the government, but the cyber security is facing tremendous problem regarding certain issues. The issues are explained in the above named paragraphs in a detailed way. The common thing prevailed in that case is that the hackers are using advanced technologies and the mindset of the hackers is more advanced. They are targeting the weak security system of the computers and trying to grab all the data from the system. The biggest challenge for the programmers is the lack of investment in this section and insufficient research method. Absence of necessary strategies is also a potential threat to the cyber security cells. However, as the business world is vehemently depends on the cyber technologies, the government has to take all the possible steps to curb the detrimental effects of the cyber hacking and protect the encrypted information for the betterment of the business and the future of the country. References Reference: Wang, W., Lu, Z. (2013). Cyber security in the Smart Grid: Survey and challenges.Computer Networks,57(5), 1344-1371. Collins, A. (2016).Contemporary security studies. Oxford university press. Webb, T., Dayal, S. (2017). Building the wall: Addressing cybersecurity risks in medical devices in the USA and Australia.Computer Law Security Review. Ibrahim, A. S., Hamlyn-Harris, J., Grundy, J. (2016). Emerging security challenges of cloud virtual infrastructure.arXiv preprint arXiv:1612.09059. Feakin, T., Nevill, L., Hawkins, Z. (2017). The AustraliaUS Cyber Security Dialogue. Gupta, B., Agrawal, D. P., Yamaguchi, S. (Eds.). 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